Due to weather conditions prevailing on 2nd March, the meeting of Bassetlaw Cardiac Support Group was regrettably cancelled. Their meeting held at The Crossing on 6th April celebrated the 25th anniversary of the group and welcomed founder member, Peter Snell, to share with current members a short history of the formation of the group. Peter brought with him photographs of some early members, to whom the group owes a debt of gratitude.
At the April meeting, members were also royally entertained by Roger Glew, paying his second visit to the group. He gave a potted history of the life of George Formby and members joined him in singing many old, but well remembered, songs. Members then shared a special cake of celebration as they remembered, through Peter, 25 good years.
The group’s next meeting is on 4th May at 2.00pm at Retford Hospital, when Mike Davey will talk about ‘Historic Houses and Gardens’. Please join the group, new and old members are always welcome. For more information call Pat Broskom on 01909 562361.