The October meeting of Retford Ladies Probus Club took place on Wednesday 10th, when Angela Tubb was invited to enlighten members with ‘The Colours of Bangladesh’. In 1962 she left Liverpool with her new husband, sailing on the Anchor Line, destination Karachi. From Karachi they took a flight to Dacca (her first) and wearing four garlands round her neck she was whisked away in a car bedecked with flowers to the place which would be her home for the next 22 years.
The main focus of Angela’s presentation was her saris, of which she had brought a beautiful selection. Every district has its own style and colours and there is really no limit to the cost of a sari, which should measure five-and-a-half to six metres. Some have gold thread running through which can be extracted by burning the fabric away when worn out. Expensive saris are long enough to have a piece cut off to make a blouse. Some members volunteered to be models and Angela dressed a bride and groom. She explained that arranged marriages are rare but courting couples must be chaperoned and the saris must be worn so as not to reveal an ankle! In spring lots of yellow is worn with traditional songs being sung to herald the season. Autumn is the favoured time for weddings, the more colourful the better.
One member, who had been to India, asked how people with no washing facilities managed to keep their washing so white and Angela’s answer was cow urine! The club’s next open meeting will be on Wednesday 12th December at Westhill Road Community Centre at 10.00am for 10.30am. All are welcome.