The Tuxford Benefice Churches are St Nicholas Church, Tuxford; All Saints Church, Weston; All Saints Church, West Markham; St Matthews Church, Normanton-on-Trent; St Wilfrids Church, Marnham.
The September service plan is:
- 2nd September
8.30am — Weston Holy Communion
10.00am — Tuxford Morning Prayer with Methodists
11.30am — West Markham Holy Communion
2.30pm — Marnham Holy Communion - 9th September
10.30am — Tuxford Churchwardens Benefice Morning Prayer - 16th September
8.30am — Weston Holy Communion
9.30am — Tuxford Service at the Methodist Chapel
11.15am — Tuxford Messy Church
6.00pm — West Markham Holy Communion
6.30pm — Tuxford Prayer, Praise and Healing - 23rd September
9.30am — Weston Informal Family Gathering
10.00am — Tuxford Holy Communion
11.30am — West Markham Holy Communion
You are invited to Benefice Holy Communion at Weston on 30th September at 10.30am.
These take place on:
- St Matthews at Normanton-on-Trent, on Sunday 23rd September at 4.00pm
- All Saints Church at Weston, on Sunday 7th October at 9.30am
- St Nicholas Church at Tuxford, on Sunday 7th October at 10.00am
- St Wilfrids Church at Marnham, on Sunday 7th October at 2.30pm
- All Saints Church at West Markham, on Sunday 14th October at 6.00pm
Harvest supper takes place at All Saints Church, Weston on Saturday 6th October, at 7.30pm in Weston Village Hall. There will be a roast dinner and desserts, please bring your own drinks. This is free, but donations are welcome. Call Janet B on 07535 424260 or Gill on 07963 391140 to book.
You are also invited to a Harvest Supper on Saturday 13th October at 7.00pm at West Markham Church. Meet up with friends, old and new, for delicious food, music and great company. Tickets cost £12.00 per person. For further details call Jacquie Griffiths on 07793 185692 but please hurry as there are a limited number of places available.
St Nicholas Church, Tuxford is proud to be ‘A Church at the heart of the community’.
The weekend of Saturday 5th October and Sunday 6th October, from 10.00am to 4.00pm is Thanksgiving Weekend. On Sunday at 10.00am there is a Harvest Thanksgiving in the church — all are welcome to thank God for the life and witness of the church for nearly 900 years, and its continuation today, with an opportunity to give to support the future of the church and graveyard.
There will also be a display of the history of St Nicholas Church, an activity table for children, tea, coffee and biscuits and a chance to pray in the chancel and to light a candle to remember someone you love.
It’s that time of year again, when the benefice begin to think about the Christmas Boxes — last year they managed nearly 40. This year, once again thanks to the generosity of one of our supporters, there will be no need for folk to provide their own boxes or indeed to wrap them. They shall be able to supply anyone or group of people who is interested in filling a box with flat pack boxes, already decorated, which simply need folding.
As you may be aware, these boxes should contain toiletry items (no liquids of any sort), toys, drawing equipment and general stationery, sweets with a best before date well into Spring 2019 (no chocolate), woolly hats and mittens, also mostly provided by one of our generous supporters, and anything that kids who have almost nothing would like. Boys and girls boxes are kept separate, and there are three age groups: two to four, five to nine and 10 to 14, and all items should be new. Hand-made toys are not permitted and all soft toys must carry the ‘CE’ label. This is due to customs regulations and concerns the fillings.
If you are interested and would like further information, please contact Janet Carlisle on 01777 870058 or email