Do you wish to take up a new hobby? Then why not become a campanologist? Bell ringing is a team activity that stimulates the brain and helps keep you fit… it also makes a glorious sound! Many consider ringing to be their contribution to church life, and others do it for the pure pleasure it brings. Ringers come from all walks of life and range in age from twelve to those in their eighties.
The origins of bell ringing lie in the 16th century when church bell began to be hung with a full wheel. This gave ringers control of their bell, which allowed sets of bells to be rung in a continuously changing pattern.
Ringing is well within the capabilities of most people. The initial teaching takes several weeks, after which a learner can begin to ring with the rest of the band. Most bands practise once a week and ring for church services on a Sunday.
The bell ringers at All Hallows Ordsall, are opening their tower to visitors on Saturday 8th September, from 1.00pm until 3.30pm, so why not come along and let them answer your questions and look at the demonstration of the 400-year-old art of campanology.
For more information please contact Paul on 07970 692380.