A once endangered species, and probably still in decline, we are very lucky to be seeing prickly visitors in our grounds and gardens.
Sue Smith of 7th Heaven Hedgehogs was on hand to tell members of Sutton and Barnby Moor Gardening Club the finer details and habits of these mostly nighttime visitors to our gardens, when the group held its monthly meeting on Thursday 1st February at Sutton Village Hall.
Hedgehogs are natural predators of slugs and help the organic gardener. They need habitat and are non-aggressive. Their biggest enemies, apart from the badger, in a modern-day life to which they are not accustomed, are lawnmowers, strimmers, poisons, dogs and a massive loss of habitat in the countryside. All these things threaten the continued survival of hedgehogs in many areas.
Hedgehogs are no longer abundant as they once were, so look after your friendly visitors for now and for the future: an offer of hedgehog food, meaty cat or dog food or cat biscuits and water for them to drink or dine on is usually gratefully accepted. Who knows – come May or June you could hear the pitter-patter of tiny feet as the hoglets appear!
A very well-presented talk relating to the lives and habits of our most familiar and easily recognisable wild animals. Just one of many interesting talks organised and presented by the Sutton and Barnby Moor Gardening Club. Members old and new are always welcome!