Summertime at 7th Retford Scout Group

by | 18 August 2024 | Children's Group, Retford

It’s been a very busy couple of months for 7th Retford Scout Group. Weekly sessions have continued getting out and about as much as possible.

Beavers have done their Cyclist Badge, Explore Badge and an Easter Trail in Kings Park. In the Scout Hut, they have finished their Space Badge, worked hard towards their Builder Badge and teamwork challenges. Four Beavers spent the day at Cub Camp and did lots of work towards their Camp Craft Badge and Outdoor Challenge.

The Cubs have completed their Athletics or Athletics Plus Badge, the Environmental Conservation Badge which including a local hike to see a solar farm, parts of the World Challenge and Skills Challenge. They also built a cave maze in the Scout Hut and had lots of fun hunting for pictures. The Scouts used the cave maze as well.

The Cubs enjoyed camp in June, collecting wood and lighting fires, cooking on open fires, slept two nights in tents, a campfire, and a walk including a trip to the local play park, den building and wide games. It was all about having fun and adventure in the woodlands at Laughterton.

Scouts also had a weekend camp at Laughterton and were joined by 2nd Tuxford Scouts. They cooked on the open fire and in the kitchen. The rain kept altering the programme, so the Scouts did some indoor pioneering, making a model ballista in small groups. They played wide games with a Lincoln group that were also on site for the weekend.

The Scouts had fun with a mini assault course in Kings Park, but unfortunately the Cubs got rained off. The Scouts constructed some cardboard boats which they then attempted to float; some were more successful than others!

There have been two taster sessions for a new Squirrel Drey that is open at Retford. This is for four- to six-year-olds and is meeting on Tuesday evenings.

If your child is interested in joining Squirrels, Beavers, Cubs or Scouts, email Hazel Newstead on Hazel can advise which section is appropriate for your child and a possible start date for them.

7th Retford is looking for more help with the Beaver Colony (aged 5¾ up to 8½) and Scout section (aged 10 to 14½ years). There is information on the Scouts website about being an adult volunteer with Scouting: with Scouts. If you are looking for some fun and adventure, this could be a good opportunity for you.

For more information, contact or the District Team at who can advise about other groups in Bassetlaw.