Retford Lions Club

by | 1 July 2022 | Lions, Retford

As summer nears, so does the occasion of Lions clubs appointing a new President and reviewing the management team of the club. The changeover is carried out at a lunch to celebrate the founding of the Retford club 42 years ago. Covid has prevented the celebration for the last two years but, on 3rd July at the West Retford Hotel, the club can at last get together.

Their next event is the annual Ted Waterfield memorial golf tournament, to be held at Retford Golf Club on Wednesday 13th July. The Lions are very grateful for the support of local businesses in sponsoring holes and entering teams for the day, and the help and support of the Golf club staff.

As a group they are still doing all they can to help displaced residents of the Ukraine conflict, and to this end a meeting was addressed by a refugee who was hoping to start a business locally using her talents as a seamstress. The club agreed to buy a sewing machine, which was presented later by Lions Jim Napier and Mike Helsby and Wendy Quigley, who also helped in supplying equipment. The club wished her well in her new venture.

The Lions’ latest effort to revive a Car Boot Sale at Retford Cricket Club got off to a slow start, but it is hoped that the next one will be better supported. They take place on the last Sunday of the month.

At the last meeting, the club agreed to help a local young lady in her attempt to visit Ecuador to help with charity work.
Socially, members got together for a meal at Retford Golf Club. It was well attended, and a vote of thanks was given by Lion President Stan Foster.