Retford Ladies Probus Club

by | 21 July 2022 | Probus, Retford, Social Group

On Wednesday 8th June, Probus Club members were invited to attend a celebration of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee in Grove Street Methodist Church Hall. After the initial get together with refreshments, the ladies were treated to a set by Jessica Mary Corr-Brett. For those unfamiliar with Jessica, her repertoire mixes easy listening with songs from the forties and fifties. Her taste in fashion also echoes this era and on that day she was sporting a lovely blue and white spotted dress with red suede flats.

A lovely afternoon tea followed provided by the committee and the Salad Bar, to whom the club offers thanks. A very well thought out bran tub raffle revealed hints of the past wrapped up in brown paper and string – Carnation Milk, Camp Coffee, Spam, Pears Soap…

After an enjoyable repast among beautiful table arrangements – the handiwork of the committee – Jessica was back with her ‘audience participation suitcase’. One is never too old to shake, rattle and roll so out of it came a variety of percussion instruments. A rendition of Lambeth Walk brought many ladies to their feet.

In the background a big screen was constantly running with nostalgic clips from the past and throughout the proceedings there was much flag waving. Naturally, the ladies finished with the National Anthem. None of this would have taken place without the enthusiasm and dedication of the Probus Club committee.

The next club meeting is 14th September at Westfield Community Centre, Ordsall at 10.00am for a 10.30am start. Harry Foxley will enlighten members on Victorian Industrial Retford. All are welcome.