Retford Community Singers

by | 6 September 2022 | Hobbies, Music, Retford

Retford Community Singers will be opening their doors again on Tuesday 6th September, 7.00pm to 8.30pm, and every Tuesday evening after that, generally following the pattern of local school terms.

Find them in Chapelgate Hall (large hall) at the rear of Grove Street Methodist Church, Retford DN22 6LB.

Enjoy an evening with a friendly bunch of singers open to absolutely anyone who’d like to go along and join in. No previous experience required, no auditions, just go along and experience the fabulous sound they make under the leadership of Janet Wood, local singer / songwriter and all-round inspiration.

In addition, sample their sound on Saturday 10th September at 11.00am, in the Council Chamber, Retford Town Hall, as part of Heritage Day in Retford celebrations. All are welcome, for free.

The choir was formed 10 years ago this month, and there is much to celebrate. Janet has led the group throughout this time and there are many members who have been singing with them from the start. The past couple of years have not been easy, but they have managed to keep singing a repertoire inspired by gospel, folk, classic pop songs and much more.

The group would love to increase numbers further, so join them and be part of their plans. The hall is airy and spacious and accessible for people with mobility and other disability needs. The atmosphere is always welcoming and uplifting!
For further information visit or call 01777 704154 or 01777 704038.