Thursday 6th June marks the 80th anniversary of the Allied invasion of Normandy, a date now referred to as D-Day.
D-Day is the largest seaborne invasion in history, supported by the airborne division, and was a pivotal action in World War II. It led to the liberation of France and the rest of western Europe and eventually the Allied victory in Europe the following year.
National Commemorations of the event are planned including a Service of Remembrance at the National Memorial Arboretum. There will also be events in Portsmouth and Normandy in France to honour the memory of those involved.
The local branch of The Royal British Legion will be holding a short service of remembrance at the War Memorial in Retford Market Place on 6th June, starting at 10.45am. All are welcome to attend.
The local branch would also like to thank all those who have supported their recent activities including the annual quiz, the coffee morning at Grove Street Methodist Church and more recently on Charter Day.
The branch meetings will recommence on Monday 3rd June at Babworh Road Sports and Social Club at 7.15pm. New members are always welcome and you do not need to have an armed service background to join.
The Royal British Legion website has information on all aspects of the work involved and anyone who has served can enquire if they need help for themselves or their family. The national telephone line is 0808 802 8080. For more local information please contact Ann Hickman on 01777 818993.