We all know we should be recycling, avoiding sending things to landfill, recovering raw materials so they can be used again. ‘Reduce, Reuse, Recycle’ has been the slogan to remind us of the importance of consuming less of the planet’s finite resources.
Sounds easy, doesn’t it? But there are a few complications. We can recycle cardboard but not if it has a greasy mark from the pizza that came in it. A little while ago we could recycle plastic bottles, but the tops had to go in general waste. Now it seems ok to screw the tops back on. And what happens to all the rubbish that goes in our bins?
Lesley Taylor, of Veolia, is the November speaker at North Notts Local Group of Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust, with her talk ‘Lesley Talks Rubbish!’. It will cover what happens to the things we put in our recycling bins at home and the journey they take from our bins to the recyclers and back to the shops; why recycling is important for the environment; the dos and don’ts of recycling at home and how to make sure you are recycling correctly. There’s also a fun quiz to test our recycling knowledge. Sounds interesting!
Lesley’s talk will be at the Idle Valley Rural Learning Centre on Thursday 10th November. Doors open at 7.00pm to start promptly at 7.15pm. Entry is £3.00, which includes tea, coffee and biscuits, and there will also be a raffle. All welcome.
For more information, phone Jan on 01777 709974 or 07969 180067 or email janwilliamson133@gmail.com. If you would like to receive email updates of Local Group activities, please email Jan with your request.