Dr Robert Tansey, naturalist and author, will be the guest speaker at the next Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust’s Retford Group meeting, on Thursday 12th April at 7.30pm. His subject will be the British Naturalists’ Association (BNA).
Dr Tansey is the local organiser of the Nottinghamshire and Lincolnshire branch of the BNA, which is the national body for naturalists, both amateur and professional. He will be talking about how the BNA came about through its founder Edward Kay Robinson. He will also cover what it gets up to, both nationally and locally, in its quest to promote interest in all aspects of natural history.
The talk, which will be preceded by the Retford Group’s AGM, takes place at the Idle Valley Rural Learning Centre, Great North Road, Retford DN22 6SG. Everyone is welcome. The fee is £2.50 which includes light refreshments and there will be a raffle in aid of group funds, which are put towards local wildlife conservation projects.
For further information or if you would like to be added to the Retford Group’s email list, or require further information about this event, please contact Jan Williamson at janwilliamson5@icloud.com or call 01777 709974.