The enthusiastic Wheatley Family Research ‘self-help’ group, meets in the Village Hall in North Wheatley, on the second Wednesday of each month. The format of the meeting is that members start with a short presentation about an aspect of family history research followed by some interesting discussion. The rest of the time is used for people to do their own research using the connection to the internet which is available at the Village Hall. During this time, more experienced members are on hand to help.
Members are finding that more interesting facts are coming to light all the time as more and more parish records, etc, are added to the online databases. Searches which yielded nothing a short time ago are now finding facts about our ancestors and these facts then provide clues as to where to look next.
New members are always welcome, so if you are interested in starting to research your family roots or have started and hit a ‘brick wall’ or just need a bit of guidance why not come along and see how the group can help — bringing your laptop with you. For more information please contact Alan on 01427 884147 or Dave on 01427 880934. The next meeting is on Wednesday 14th February at 2.00pm in Wheatley Village Hall. The cost is only £2.50 per session.