The June organ recital at St Swithun’s Church Retford was both a surprise and a success in that Colin Walsh, who was due to play, had to withdraw due to a damaged knee. Anyone watching these top-quality professionals at work must realise how much organ music depends on a huge amount of leg-work.
However, Jeffrey Makinson, also from Lincoln Cathedral, gallantly stepped into the breach at very short notice with great success and produced a most satisfying programme – and he has offered to return next year, especially as he thinks the organ is ‘superb and full of colour and variety’.
The recital on 15th August sees a return by John Keys, the widely-known Nottingham City Organist, Director of Music of St Mary’s in the Lace Market, and Organist of Nottingham University. His programme, as always, is very wide-ranging, lasting about one hour.
As usual, entry is free, but with a retiring collection, all of which goes into the fund for the maintenance of this ’superb’ instrument. Light refreshments will be available from 12.15pm.