Elkesley Craft Group

by | 28 September 2022 | Community Event, Hobbies, Retford

Following the success of their Easter Craft and Coffee Morning, the Elkesley Craft Group were delighted to be able to present St Giles School, Retford, with a cheque for £350 to go towards a trampoline.

So impressed were the crafters by the warm reception they received at the school and the quality of the wonderful work done there, they have decided to donate all proceeds from their forthcoming Christmas Extravaganza on Saturday 12th November again to St Giles.

The Extravaganza will be held in Elkesley Village Hall from 10.00am to 1.00pm. High quality, handcrafted items will be on sale as well as homemade cakes, tea and coffee. There will be games and activities for the children, a raffle and a tombola as well as the very popular Gnomie Winter Wonderland, where families will be able to create their own Christmas mini landscape to take home.

All are invited to go along and share in the fun and to support such a deserving local cause.

For further information please ring Mandy on 07598 715417.

The next fundraising event will be a Macmillan Coffee morning on Sunday 2nd October at The Gables, High Street, Elkesley, 10.30am to 12.30pm. All are welcome.