East Markham WI’s May meeting was the Annual Meeting, where reports and audited accounts for the previous year are presented to members for their approval, a new committee appointed and a President elected for the new year. Minutes of the last Annual Meeting were approved as a correct record. Copies of the 2023-24 Financial Statement were distributed to members and the Treasurer presented her report. Members voted to adopt the accounts.
County WI Advisor Jane Jefferson MBE was introduced to conduct the appointment of the new committee and the ballot for President. The nominees for committee were elected en-bloc. From the committee, members nominate the person they would like as President. From the nominees, only one was willing to stand for office and Alena Usher was re-elected as President for the 2024-25 year. Presentations of flowering plants were made to the two committee members who had stood down and to Jane Jefferson.
A display of items from branch archives was on display for members to examine. These included the report, minute and account books from 1949 when East Markham WI was founded, alongside a certificate welcoming East Markham as the 100th WI in Nottinghamshire. Early programmes, photographs, receipts, scrapbooks, early copies of the Hornblower and two books about the village which had been put together by WI members, created much interest and comment from both old and new members as well as from the County Advisor. Finally, the raffle was drawn and members thanked for their attendance.
The first meeting of the new committee allocated roles to the members. Vicky was reappointed as Secretary and Marie as Treasurer. The other members took on roles to assist the Secretary and Treasurer, organise the raffle, refreshments, social events and outings. President Alena asked Marie to be her Vice President, a post she accepted.
On 16th July the meeting will take the form of a Summer Social with Paul Vickers providing magical entertainment. In August there will be a Craft and Chatter evening.
New members (£48.00) and women visitors (£5.00) are always welcome to monthly meetings on the third Tuesday of the month at 7.15pm in East Markham Village Hall.
For more information, contact Secretary on 07971 291883 or Membership on 01777 871567.