The July meeting of East Markham WI was almost a full house when President Alena welcomed 45 members and visitors, and Maggie Watkins who was to give her talk on ‘Pilgrims and Prophets’.
Maggie’s well illustrated talk started with the background to the religious differences, which led to rise of the Pilgrims, and explained their very local connections as well as their many plans and attempts to flee and explore. Maggie was a very engaging speaker, with a tremendous wealth and depth of knowledge about her subject.
At the end of July, 30 members gathered for a Strawberry Tea in the Secretary’s garden. Prosecco or a soft drink was served, before everyone enjoyed cream and strawberry scones with tea or coffee. A table quiz based on summer caused much mind searching and laughter both before and after the answers were given, with a prize awarded to the table with the highest score. A short game of Bingo followed with prizes for a Line and a Full House after which the raffle was drawn. A presentation was made to Secretary Vicky for hosting the afternoon in her garden, which brought a most enjoyable afternoon to an end.
The August meeting welcomed Paul Whittaker OBE with his presentation called ‘The Deaf Singer’.
On Tuesday 19th September there will be a ‘costumed’ speaker, when Paula Cornwell will tell how to ‘Mind Your Motoring Manners’ with the Hon Mrs Victor Bruce. This promises to be a very amusing evening. The meeting on 17th October features member Clare Sobieraj who will tell of ‘My Journey from Nursing to Reiki Master’.
Women visitors are welcome to the monthly meetings for a maximum of three visits, before being asked to join. The visitor fee is £5.00. For more information contact either 07971 291883 or 01777 871567.