Have you ever wondered what secrets the land on which you walk every day holds?
The Retford Archaeological Metal Detecting Group comprises locals with a strong interest in the history of this area. Members are a combination of metal detectorists, archaeologists and environmentalists who are seeking permission to field walk (non-invasive) seeking pottery artifacts lying on the ground or use metal detectors to locate metallic artefacts hidden below the surface.
If you are a farmer or landowner, the group is seeking help to build up a picture of the past use of your lands over hundreds of years. They also work with small landowners and people with large gardens.
They usually work in teams of two. All members are registered with the National Council of Metal Detecting; you should always check members’ credentials before allowing them on your land.
All finds are shown to the landowner before being checked by the group’s Portable Antiquities Schemes Recorder. In the unlikely event of treasure trove or a hoard being found, the normal accepted 50 / 50 split between landowner and finder applies.
For queries or for more information about the group, contact Dr Robert Tansey on 01777 948369 or drrobert.tansey@talktalk.net.