The Essence of a Georgian Gentleman was the title of the talk given by the qualified Historian Dr David Allen at the Retford and District Historical and Archaeological Society December meeting. Aspects of 18th century social life, with particular reference to the Custance family of Weston Longville in Norfolk, were brought to life.
Mr John Custance was an ambitious and wealthy Georgian gentleman who married an even more wealthy wife. He owned a large estate in Norfolk and served a gentleman of the bed chamber at the court of George III.
David’s information was gathered from the diaries written by James Custance and Parson John Woodforde. After the talk a Christmas buffet was provided by members of the society, a big thank you goes out to everyone who gave food and helped on the night.
The society’s next meeting is on Wednesday 10th January at the usual time of 7.30pm, the speaker is James Wright who will be giving a talk on ‘The Castles of Nottinghamshire’. The venue is Chapelgate Hall, situated behind Grove Street Methodist Church Retford. Come along as a visitor or become a member. For more information contact Janet Gamble on 01777 248297 or janetgamble95 or Jean Martin on 01777 705980 or