Parkinson’s UK – Bassetlaw Branch

by | 1 September 2022 | Retford, Support Group

The Bassetlaw branch of Parkinson’s UK has enjoyed a busy summer with parties, outings, and interesting meetings. The plan is to continue along the same lines for the rest of the year.

The meeting on 6th September will welcome Marion Burrage talking about Felixstowe.
4th October sees members enjoying the songs and stories by Fools Gold. Always a great show.
The popular Lunch Club meets on 13th September and 15th November at The Lockkeeper, Worksop.
A free trip to North Yorkshire and Eden Camp will be on 20th September (members are invited to bring friends or family at the basic cost). The popular Pilates classes continue on Thursday afternoons and new members are always welcome.

The Branch offers the hand of friendship and support to anyone with Parkinson’s disease, their family and friends. They firmly believe that no one should feel lonely or worried with Parkinson’s when there is much the Branch can offer.

Meetings are the first Tuesday of every month at 2.00pm, Worksop Cricket Club, Central Avenue, S80 1EN. For more information or just a chat call Christine Coldwell on 01909 730629.