Heritage Week in Tuxford

by | 3 September 2022 | Community Event, Heritage, Retford

Celebrate Heritage Week from Saturday 10th to Sunday 18th September with free admission to the Museum of the Horse and the Walks of Life Museum, both located in Tuxford.

The Museum of the Horse, based in Market Place is a unique and award-winning museum which holds a collection of utilitarian objects from circa 600BC to the 20th century. With nine rooms of displays, it tells the story of how horses have influenced our lives in war and peace, work and pleasure. It is open from 9.00am to 3.30pm from Monday to Friday, and 10.00am to 1.00pm on a Saturday. There is free parking behind the museum, as well as a coffee shop in the courtyard where coaches used to call, and an art gallery too.

The Walks of Life Museum is based at 33 Lincoln Road and is a museum with a unique collection of hand cards and objects from a lost way of life, all set in 6 six acres. A fascinating social history encompasses all aspects of life, from birth, work, infirmary and death. Discover the stories behind the objects. It will be open from 11.00am to 4.00pm every day on Heritage Week – normally only Thursdays and Saturdays and other days by arrangement.


Tour of Tuxford
Wednesday 14th September, 11.00am

Starting with a tour of the inventions from the coaching world that influenced our lives, at the Museum of the Horse at 11.00am, followed by the historic lock up in Newcastle Street and ending in the Walks of Life Museum. Numbers will be limited but a second tour may be arranged if oversubscribed.

The Magnificent Massarellas
Saturday 17th September, 7.30pm, Walks of Life Museum

The story of one family’s role in the UK’s ice cream industry.

Artists of the Great War
Saturday 24th September, 2.00pm, Walks of Life Museum

Find out more about artists during the 1914-1918 command and control

Please email or phone to book a place at events – dianehunt08@btinternet.com or 01777 872776 or sally@dogart.com or 01777 838234.