Dukeries u3a

by | 31 December 2022 | Education and Learning, Hobbies, Sherwood, Social Group, U3A

Dukeries u3a members send their very best wishes to all readers for a happy and healthy New Year.

2022 was the 30th anniversary for Dukeries u3a and the 40th anniversary of the u3a in the UK. Looking back over 2022, it has been a time of growth for Dukeries u3a, with new activity groups starting and the number of members growing to 157 in December. There are now 16 different activity / interest groups, with ideas in the pipeline for new subjects in 2023. In addition to activity group meetings and the monthly meetings to hear a visiting speaker, members enjoyed social events such as a quiz night, coffee mornings and parties.

Dukeries u3a continue to liaise with other community groups and last month were happy to help Santa Claus (on loan to Edwinstowe and the Dukeries Lions) with his Christmas collection at Tesco, New Ollerton. They were also happy to take part in the Christmas tree festivals in Edwinstowe and New Ollerton churches. Members Jane, Jean, John and Pam made a great job at decorating the Dukeries u3a tree.

Dukeries u3a are pleased to be joining with other local u3a groups to provide more opportunities for their members. Members recently enjoyed a barn dance arranged by Warsop and District u3a, while friends from Mansfield, Rainworth and Forest Town u3as took part in the Dukeries u3a quiz night superbly presented by Stefan and Karen. Plans are being made for future collaborations for trips and holidays, which will help to keep costs down.

The walking groups were able to find good weather, with the Ramblers walking along the old military road in Sherwood Forest and the Whatsapp Walkers walked by the Chesterfield Canal at Worksop. The Scrabble group enjoyed a Christmas lunch at South Forest in Edwinstowe before tackling the Scrabble board. The Allsorts group had fun planting winter tubs and crafting cards. The Ukulele group goes from strength to strength and was the star turn at the Christmas party. Details of all interest and activity groups are on www.u3asites.org.uk/dukeries/welcome.

Speakers for the members’ meetings in 2023 are now booked, with varied topics including health, travel, local history, sporting legends and humour. Again, you will find all details of these and other events on the group’s website. The speaker programme starts in January with a light hearted talk on ‘Great British Eccentrics’ by Geoff Harris, who is returning by popular demand. February’s speakers will be specialist nurses Helen and Rebekah who will give information on osteoporosis, a condition which can affect many people. There is an extra talk in February by John Perry at the Ambleside Centre, New Ollerton, which had been postponed from September 2022. He will tell members about the role of magistrates in the criminal and civil justice systems and give members the chance to try sentencing. A trip to Mansfield Magistrate’s Court follows later in the month.

More trips planned for 2023 include a visit to David Austin Roses and an evening cruise on the River Trent.

Dukeries u3a is one of the smaller u3a groups in Nottinghamshire with members drawn from Ollerton, Edwinstowe and the surrounding villages. For more details, please take a look at www.u3asites.org.uk/dukeries/welcome. Alternatively contact their chairperson, Leslye, on 07756 436177 or du3achair2020@gmail.com.

Do you have an interest you would like to learn more about or share your knowledge with others? Or perhaps you would like to make new friends and be able to socialise safely. Then Dukeries u3a is the ideal group for you. Meetings are at Jubilee Hall, Wellow Road, Ollerton on the third Monday monthly, doors open at 12.30pm. Membership is open to adults irrespective of employment status with a subscription of £10.00 from now up to 31st March.