See the wonderful signs of spring on the 2022 Knaith Hall Snowdrop Walk. Wander through the woods and grounds beside the mighty River Trent and view the delightful aconites and beautiful snowdrops in this park-like garden.

St Mary’s Church, hidden away within the grounds of Knaith Hall, will be open. You are most welcome to go inside this friendly little church and discover some of its curious and fascinating history.

For the more energetic there is a longer (45 minute) marked walk available heading towards the unique Gate Burton Chateau, which sits on a knoll with remarkable views overlooking the Trent Valley.

Knaith Hall (DN21 5PE) is in the tiny Lincolnshire Village of Knaith on the A156 Lincoln-Gainsborough road, four miles south of Gainsborough. The walk is open from 10.30am to 3.00pm on Sunday 13th February. Entrance: Adults £2.50, children free. Dogs on leads are welcome. Stout shoes or walking boots are recommended.

The walk takes place by kind permission of Mr and Mrs J Burke and all proceeds are in aid of St Mary’s Church.
It is hoped that refreshments will be available, contingent upon the current restrictions in place on the day.

For further information please telephone 01427 611696, 01427 613005 or 07771 417085.