Nottinghamshire charity leads the way

by | 27 November 2023 | Exercise, Local Charity, Support Group, Worksop

Bassetlaw Action Centre is trying for a hat trick of awards this autumn.

The small charity helps Bassetlaw residents in many ways: from a popular Community Car Scheme, complete with an electric wheelchair accessible vehicle, and minibus trips, to befriending services, help with energy advice, assistance in completing benefit forms, initiatives to help the local community to stay active, in-home support and assisting people who are discharged from hospitals.

They regularly offer additional services such as coordinating Bassetlaw District Council’s Warm Pack scheme to help people who are unable to afford heating their whole house and strongly believe in supporting their clients by helping them to engage with multiple services, whether that is in-house or signposting to an appropriate outside resource.

In just seven days, Bassetlaw Action Centre’s GOGA (Get Out Get Active) team:

  • won the Embedding Inclusion Award from the Activity Alliance for their work making sports facilities more accessible to the local community;
  • won the Integrated Care System Nottingham and Nottinghamshire’s Health and Care Award: Value for Money for their Promoting Independence scheme which engages with people who have left hospital; and
  • received news that it has been shortlisted for the Community Transport Association’s Provider of the Year (for large fleet size CT with above five vehicles).

These awards show that the integrated, hands-on approach Bassetlaw Action Centre provides is showcasing best practice to engage with and assist members of the local community. Most services are provided by a bank of willing volunteers who are proud to make a difference where they live.

Bassetlaw Action Centre is always in need of more volunteers and is eager to hear from anyone who would like to join this award-winning team. Anyone interested should call 01777 709650, email or visit

Chief Executive Lynn Tupling said: “I am so incredibly proud of my staff and volunteers for being recognised for their hard work, commitment and determination at both system and national level. These awards mean so much to us and demonstrate clearly the quality services provided by Bassetlaw Action Centre.”