Retford Men’s Probus Club

by | 3 January 2020 | Social Group

Many will have heard the term or phrase ‘Keep it in House’, and as the term suggests that’s what Retford Men’s Probus Club has done over many years. A mostly local group with a wealth of experience amongst them is only too pleased to pass on their often expert knowledge, vast lifetime experiences and, on some occasions, anecdotes to fellow members and good companions who meet regularly to listen to invited speakers and exchange news and views over morning coffee.

As an example over the last few years, the club has been addressed on topics various including ‘Military Matters/Health and Safety’ (Roy Evans), ‘Life as a Tree Surgeon’ (David Otter), ‘Hidden Affliction/Collectors Corner’ (Rev. Tony Kerswill) and most recently a talk of ‘Life in the Merchant Navy’ (Bob Latchford assisted by Phil Drummond was warmly welcomed and listen to intently, by the many present and who could relate to their own experiences during National Service or other enlistments and all from ‘in house’ so to speak!

With these fellow members on board and prepared often to stand in at short notice, combined with engaged professional speakers, a warm welcome awaits members old and new at Retford Men’s Probus Club.
Retford Men’s Probus Club continues to go from strength to strength and is the ‘in’ place to be. Always a topic to suit most tastes, the Probus club has been running since 1971. Their meetings take place at the Westhill Community Centre, Ordsall at 10.00am every other Friday. If you would like to go along to one of their meetings, please see Contact Retford Men’s Probus Club, by email to or call the secretary on 07542 852037. You won’t regret it.