Gainsborough Snappers

by | 6 February 2023 | Hobbies, Retford

Snappers, the local camera club, has moved to a new venue from the start of this year, but it is not far from their previous home in Beckingham (some people may also remember them from meetings in Gainsborough some years ago). The club is now to be found at Beckingham Village Hall, Southfield Lane, Beckingham DN10 4QA.

Nothing else has changed. Meetings still take place on the first Friday of the month from 1.30pm to 3.30pm, with a small charge to cover costs. There is still the same friendly welcome for anyone who is interested in photography and wants to join with like-minded people. There are no geographic boundaries, provided you can get to Beckingham, and no restrictions on age or ability.

The format is to set a photographic challenge for most meetings to encourage people to work on their skills, in line with the practical emphasis this group has always had. Members are asked to bring their images to the meeting either in digital form or as a print for everyone to see. Members critique each other, highlighting what has been successful in an image and what other settings, viewpoint or kit might have helped the photographer get a better result. Everyone learns from each other.

Snappers aims to have a practical session at the club every three months or so, when they set up still life subjects, have a new activity or go out to meet up somewhere photogenic for the afternoon. The results are then critiqued at the next meeting.

The New Year has got off to a good start with a brief AGM and a critique of the challenge set before Christmas. On 3rd February, the group holds its annual competition with an external judge. This is the first time since 2019, because of the disruption due to the pandemic. Members entering will show three different images to be judged.

On 3rd March the Snappers have one of their very occasional visits from a speaker. John Gardner will be visiting to talk about the latest developments in the Lightroom software most amateur photographers use to process their images.

You can find out more about the group at Visitors or potential members are welcome at any time, but please check the website to make sure the group is not on a trip before you go along.

Image: Michael Kinks