Doncaster Movie Makers

by | 6 January 2024 | Hobbies, Retford

Doncaster Movie Makers’ meetings are now in full swing until the end of April. The group’s main activities are making amateur video films.

During their meetings, members are able to exchange ideas and recently they have covered storage, interviewing techniques and how to approach making a film. Some evenings they have ‘Bring a Film Night’ where they watch the films they’ve made on a big screen. They also hold four competitions during the year. The latest was the ‘Open Five Minute’ competition. This was won by Don McQuade, the group’s secretary, with a light hearted film suggesting Doncaster is part of Scotland due to a 1136 Treaty which has never been rescinded. The runner up was Frank Paling with his film ‘Made in China’, remembering the scourge of Covid and a warning it may return. Coming up is the ‘Holiday or Day Out’ competition.

Members also show their films externally, recently having presented to Flintwood Methodist Church and Doncaster Naturalists. They have also covered the Gainsborough 10K road race and their film has achieved four figure YouTube hits.

If you enjoy any aspect of film making please go along and meet this friendly group. They meet at Ennerdale Community Hall, Fenhurst Road, Doncaster DN2 5QL most Wednesdays from 7.00pm until 9.00pm during the winter. Please check before travelling – email or call CharLee on 07765 715422.