Clarborough and District WI

by | 7 November 2023 | Retford, Social Group, WI

The last Clarborough and District WI meeting featured the long-awaited talk from Ralf Scheinem on his observations of the building of the Berlin Wall.

In October, members heard Sue Smith speak of her work at the Hedgehog Rescue Centre. The 13th November meeting will feature Hilary Chapman of Just Gems, who will demonstrate her skill in jewellery-making; hopefully there will be some early Christmas presents to purchase.

The group regularly meets for coffee mornings at various venues in the area and seven members made it to Manor Farm, Oldcotes despite the thunder and lightning!

Members will be joining in with village celebrations at both the Clarborough Tree Lighting ceremony and the Victorian market to be held at the church.

Meetings are held in the village hall on the second Monday of the month at 2.00pm. This is a small and friendly group and look forward to welcoming guests to meetings; pop along and try them out!