Bassetlaw Branch Parkinson’s UK

by | 2 March 2023 | Retford, Support Group

January saw further new members join the Bassetlaw branch of Parkinson’s UK to a warm welcome. As always, it is good to see new people coming along to find out about the many activities and benefits available, plus the friendship and support offered.

The meeting on Tuesday 7th March is the AGM, followed by a talk from a member of the Department of Work and Pensions.

The popular Lunch Club is on 21st March at The Lockkeeper, and then on Tuesday 4th April there will be a talk by Dr Bandman’s neurological team about Parkinson’s disease.

The weekly Pilates classes continue at The Crossing.

The first outing of 2023 will be to the Hemswell Antique Centre, followed by a late lunch at the Lincolnshire Otter Gainsborough. There will be a trip to the coast in the summer and an autumn outing is also planned.

The Branch firmly believes that together members can overcome some of the difficulties and ensure that there is support for people with Parkinson’s.

For more information about the group and its many activities please call Chris Coldwell on 01909 730629.