Village Harmony Choir

by | 6 February 2020 | Hobbies, Music

Village Harmony choir recently sang as a curtain raiser to the film ‘Grease’ showing at Laneham Village Hall. This was a ‘Flix in the Stix’ presentation which take place monthly at the hall. Both choir members and the audience enjoyed the ‘doo-waps’ and ‘shu-bops’.

The choir are presenting an afternoon of romantic songs and music at their Valentine Café Concert on Sunday 16th February at 2.00pm in Sturton Village Hall. The audience can take along drinks and nibbles to enjoy ‘café style’ during the performance. Tickets are available from members or at the Hub in Retford for £6.00.

If you are contemplating joining a choir (no audition required) why not try the friendly group on Monday evenings at 7.30pm in Sturton Village Hall. Just turn up or get more details at or contact June on 01427 880965.