The Dukeries Singers

by | 19 October 2020 | Hobbies, Music

In this “season of mists and mellow fruitfulness” I must add to the quotation, “and wind”. It has been responsible for leaf stripped runner and French beans, toppled sunflowers and hundreds of crab apples deposited for the delight of the local wasp population.

I’m afraid the Dukeries Singers has battened down the hatches for this windy autumn and the choir is still not yet singing together. Some of the singers Zoom in and take part in a Beetle Drive on alternate Wednesday evenings, but that’s about as harmonious as we get at the moment.

We do have lots of videos on You Tube and this is well worth a visit when you need a cheer up and, perhaps, sing along too. Singing can lift the spirits wonderfully and the voice needs exercise too!

If you would like to find more information about the choir, we are on Twitter, Facebook and our website is Our email address is

Although we have no performances planned, our Concert Secretary Margaret may be contacted on 01623 642464 or 07896 491314.

I’m sure all the friends in the choir would wish you a happy, healthy and safe harvest time and look forward to enjoying closer ties in the near future.