Courtesy of the Laming family of Woodhouse Farm, a Snowdrop and Aconite Walk will be taking place at Somerby Hall on Sunday 10th February at 2.00pm (depending on the weather). The admission fee will be £3.00 per head including refreshments. Car parking will be available, please come well shod and in warm clothing. There is to be a raffle and all proceeds from the event will be donated to St Laurence’s Church Corringham. For more details contact Paul on 01427 612017.
Directions: From Gainsborough take the A630 along the dual carriage way, once it tapers into a single lane indicate left to turn into the farm yard which stands on the brow of the hill. From Corringham travel towards Gainsborough on the A631 and before you encounter the dual carriage way indicate right as Woodhouse Farm stands on the right on the brow of the incline.