Royal British Legion, Retford

by | 12 September 2022 | Gainsborough, Local Charity, Support Group

The local branch of The Royal British Legion is pleased to announce that Peter Pimperton has been appointed to the role of Poppy Appeal Organiser for the Retford District. Scott Harrison will be responsible for the Harworth area.

The system will remain unchanged as they follow the successful organisation set up by Ann Hickman who has stepped down after many years of building the appeal year on year. The Branch, and indeed the national appeal, can’t thank her enough to her dedication to the role.

It is never too early to order your wreaths for the remembrance period. Peter will be happy to receive orders by the following methods – phone 07792 513969 or email Any orders for the Harworth area will be forwarded to Scott.

The Branch will have a stall on Retford Market on Saturday 17th September, where 2022 badges will be available along with the special badges produced for the 40th anniversary of the end of the Falklands conflict and the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. Crosses and other items will also be on show. Why not go and have a chat to the local volunteers who will be manning the stall?

The Branch has been delighted to be involved in the unveiling of the information boards in Retford Cemetery and All Hallows Church cemetery. The boards list the locations of the graves of the war dead and also those commemorated on family graves. Standard bearer Alan Campbell and branch members attended both events.

Local member Ken Hoddy was recently honoured at an event in Retford Town Hall where, in a tribute to people local to Bassetlaw who had some involvement in WWII, certificates and badges were presented. The initiative by Bassetlaw District Council in this year of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee is open to the families of deceased relatives as well as those who are still surviving. Further details can be found on Bassetlaw District Council’s website.

For further information on the work of The Royal British Legion visit or if you require help or advice call 0808 802 8080. New members are always welcome and you do not have to have a military background to be a member. Meetings will recommence on Monday 5th September at Babworth Road Sports and Social Club starting at 7.00pm.