Misterton Primary School Year 6 have jointly been awarded ‘Young Citizen of the Year’ for their work with North Notts Lions in producing the Lions Sight Film for 2018. This film will hopefully be shown in all local schools starting in the very near future.
Already as a direct result of this film and the hard work of Year 6 teacher Mr Green and the children, equipment with a value of several thousands of pounds has been donated and distributed to those with poor vision in our local area. The project has generated so much interest in the school that next year’s Year 6 pupils are asking ‘can we be involved next year?’
North Notts Lions have for several years been supporting local schools. This year they will be supporting the ‘Dare Project’ in several local schools, teaching young people to say No to drugs and to bullying. They will also be sponsoring several local schools to attend a local sailing club for a day. This will they hope, teach them many skills, how to work as a team and how to keep safe whilst around water.
The Lions’ Sight project was never just about collecting old spectacles, it was and is along with all of our schools projects a means to get the children involved and through this, to spread the word about what Lions do not just locally but worldwide. Lions are working in over 200 countries across the world. Lions bring disaster relief, clean water, and treatment for river blindness and, through their partners across the world, they are trying to eradicate measles on the continent of Africa. Of course, locally they are able to help many in our community, if you know of someone who needs help in any way please contact them.
Through their work in the local community, people have come to know that Lions are not just a group of retired men who bring Santa around at Christmas time. They are in fact men and women of all ages who just want to put a little back into society. Already this has brought results with new Lions both young family members and older men and women joining them in the work that they do. It’s an opportunity to make new friends and share in the joy that comes from helping others, we are all aware of the old saying ‘there’s more joy in giving than there is in receiving’.
For any information with regards to Lions including a list of very interesting speakers for clubs and WIs please contact info@northnottslions.uk. You can follow them on Facebook or see www.northnottslions.uk.