The speaker at the Beckingham and District Gardeners’ Club meeting on Monday 20th May was Ellie Chapman, who spoke about the properties and benefits of Coconut Coir. Her talk was very thought-provoking, with coir being organic and peat free, therefore good for the environment. In addition, it can be ordered online, free delivery and local to the area, being based in Scunthorpe.
The meeting on Monday 17th June was an Open Garden and social occasion, at a member’s house in Walkeringham, with a charity plant stall and raffle, and on Saturday 22nd June, 11.00am to 4.00pm, members Pat Hooton and Diane Derbyshire held a Charity Plant Stall in Walkeringham.
Anyone who is not a member of the club, but is interested in listening to any of the speakers, is welcome to come along to any meeting. The club charges £4.00 for visitors, which includes refreshments. The meetings are held on the third Monday of the month in Beckingham Recreation Room and start at 7.30pm.
If you are interested in gardening, the environment or related subjects, this small, friendly club could be for you. For more information, contact Pat Hooton on 01427 890357 or 07776 060247.