Be The Difference is a mental health charity based in Gainsborough, at The Studio, Heapham Road Industrial Estate. They raise money through fundraising events and donations from public (which can be sent through their website or text service). The charity aims to raise awareness of mental health issues and offer support to the local community in a variety of ways. Please contact them if you are struggling in any way.
Knit and Natter
Anyone is welcome to join this group which gives opportunity to meet new people and make much needed time for yourself. Drinks and cake are provided. Materials are offered for you to learn to knit or crochet; alternatively, take your own project to work on. The group meets every Wednesday from 10.00am to 12.00pm.
Family Fun Day
Be The Difference will have a stall at the Family Fun Day at All Saints Church on Saturday 27th August. There will be self-help guidance available and the team would love to meet you for a chat. Raffle tickets will be on sale in advance of the annual fundraiser quiz night on 30th September. Don’t worry if you can’t make it; tickets are also available through Please go along – it promises to be a fantastic day with lots of people and plenty to do! Entry is free.
The charity always welcomes suggestions for groups people would like to see them organise, or if you have an idea for a fundraising event that you would like to arrange please email or phone 0300 102 7735.
For more self-help information or advice on how to donate, please visit