Worksop Women in Business group is developing quickly

by | 18 May 2018 | Social Group, Support Group, Worksop

An exciting new community group is developing quickly in Worksop. Worksop Women in Business began as a community Facebook page at the beginning of March, simply to get women who work in Worksop chatting about their career and their town. It has quickly grown into an actual group now, members have had four meet ups already, with approximately 45 women attending these friendly get togethers at North Notts Arena and The Three Legged Stool.
This is a group who want to support each other, their businesses and our town. Their values are collaboration, real support and friendship and positive ideas and actions to help our town. They do not have formal meetings as yet and the venues will change because there are so many women with venues we can use within the group. At the time of writing, there is 63 members, and this number has been growing daily!

The group’s aims are to offer Worksop Women in Business Packages, where the members bring their talents together to offer local people a range of packages, including wedding, wellbeing, and kids’ packages. The members also aim to celebrate local talent in a Worksop Women in Business Showcase, a day to show the members’ businesses to our town. Members are discussing how we can raise funds to aid the special days within the town. You can keep up-to-date with the group’s meet ups and events by checking their Facebook page, Worksop Women in Business, and a website is under construction.