Short, informal concerts continue in May from 12.00pm to 12.30pm every Thursday at Priory Church Worksop.
It’s free entry, hot drinks afterwards while chatting to the musician and an optional collection.
These events are a friendly welcome and a chance to hear some good performers in a variety of music – organ, voice, piano, folk instruments.
This month’s dates are:
2nd May: Mick Perrier, organ
Mick has been organist of St Mary’s Moseley, Birmingham for many years and is a great encourager of other people’s talents; he will play a mixed programme of attractive music at the Priory and is looking forward to visiting this part of the county.
9th May: Rosemary Field, organ
This is Ascension Day in the Christian calendar, so Rosemary (the resident organist of the church) will play some related music to that theme.
16th May: Students from Worksop College
The young people will offer a mixed programme of instrumental and vocal pieces; these are secondary age pupils who have attained a good standard of proficiency, and will be worth hearing. They are welcomed with Tim Uglow, conductor of the North Notts Chamber Choir and their tutor at the college.
23rd May: Rosemary Field, piano
Rosemary will play an approachable programme of French music spanning three centuries, including some Couperin and Ravel in the mix.
30th May: Debbie Dalgleish, violin and Rosemary Field, piano
The Priory can only hear Debbie in school holiday time, since she is heavily involved with the Lincolnshire Music Service as a senior tutor. Debbie grew up in Birmingham, won a scholarship to study the violin and was a chorister in the Girls’ Choir at the Cathedral, which is how she and Rosemary met in the 90s! Life has taken each of them to Lincolnshire, and being only about 10 miles apart it seemed good to meet up and play music again. This is Debbie’s second concert at Worksop.