Cameron Holt, Bassetlaw Youth MP, summarises some of his work during his first three months in office:
“Since being elected as Member of Youth Parliament for Bassetlaw in April, I have worked to create opportunity and change for young people in our area. I have done this through various ways, including: chairing meetings, delivering presentations, liaising with decision makers, and organising events. All of my work so far as Youth MP can be found on my Instagram and X accounts: @cameronholtmyp.
“Recently, I visited nine primary schools around Worksop to speak to Year 6 pupils about my role as their Youth MP and to provide an insight into politics, which was more important than ever with the general election taking place in the same week as my assemblies. I explained the UK’s voting system and what being a politician truly means.
“I also spoke at four primary schools in Retford. It was brilliant to see the children’s burning zeal and passion, and to answer their incredible questions.
“Whilst with the Year 6 children, I promoted a litter pick that I had organised and invited them all to participate. This event cleaned the green space opposite the Canch park, near the Bracebridge area in Worksop.
“Approximately 20 people kindly volunteered to lend a hand and spend their morning with me helping to make our region a tidier and better place. Together, we managed to collect over 10 full bags of litter, which have now been disposed of correctly, rather than lying on our streets! After their hard work, all litter pickers snacked on food which had been generously donated by Tesco.
“This event made me feel proud to be Bassetlaw’s Youth MP, as so many people were willing to give up some of their weekend to leave a positive mark on our home. Thank you to all those who took part!”