Archery at The Wednesday Group

by | 18 October 2022 | Support Group, Worksop

Archery sessions are a recent development at the Wednesday Group. One of their volunteers is a keen archer, and she volunteered to lead some sessions if any members were interested. They were – so much so that if the interest continues unabated, the group will need more bows and arrows!

Potential archers sat outside in the sun waiting their turn for instruction in technique and to try their luck at hitting the target. Meanwhile, they were cheering one another on and chatting. Surprisingly, there were some very creditable performances (must be down to expert tuition!).

For the active members there is also table tennis and snooker so there is always a choice of activity. For the less energetic there is boccia, a bowling game, quoits or new age kurling; you don’t need and ice rink for that though it might have been nice on those really hot days.

There’s always something different to do. There are keen card players too among the more sedentary members and a cupboard full of other tabletop games in case anyone fancies a change. The group tries to keep varying its activities so no one gets bored but whatever activity they do, they always have a laugh.

The Wednesday Group is primarily for people with memory problems. It meets every Wednesday at Hallcroft Methodist Church for lunch, games, music and sporty activities. The charge is £10.00 per session and the first visit is free. If you think it might be for you, or if you’d like more information about the Wednesday Group, contact Jan on 01777 709974 or 07969 180067 or email