An exciting new season awaits

by | 21 August 2022 | Hobbies, Worksop

September sees the start of new seasons for local photography clubs, and the Retford and District Photographic Society (RDPS) is no different. The first Monday of September is traditionally the first day of the photographic year, and this year the club fully expects to be able to open the doors on time.

Programme secretary, Jane Brownley, has been busy arranging a new programme of speakers, activities and competitions for members to look forward to. On 5th September RDPS will welcome back returning members, guests and new members to a meeting which takes an overview of the year to come. One of the people showing their photos will be Geoff Stoddart, one of the group’s most successful photographers of recent years.

October sees a return visit from David Keep. David amazed members last year with his beautiful, pin-sharp images and there are more to come. David recently won the distinction of Fellow of the Royal Photographic Society (FRPS) with a stunning collection of 21 images of aquatic creatures; hopefully some will be on display when he visits in October. He has also recently completed a project on photographing ice hockey, which should be an amazing addition to his lecture.

Also in October there is a Halloween themed competition and fun night, which is a new venture for RDPS. There will be all the usual competitions which enable everyone to see the images colleagues have been working on over the summer months and opportunities to bring along cameras and try new techniques.

As the club was unable to hold its presentation dinner last year, one of the early meetings will include the presentation of prizes to the winning photographers from last season. The new season’s competitions are all open to every paid-up member. Whether you choose to enter is up to you, but everyone has the opportunity to learn from the comments of the judges as they analyse each image.

RDPS offers a warm welcome for everyone. Guests are able to attend three times before committing to membership, so apart from the attendance fee, there is nothing to pay.

A significant proportion of members also belong to Gainsborough Snappers, a practical self-help group meeting monthly at Beckingham and currently also at outside venues and events. Retford members and others are welcome to join them on Friday afternoons.

RDPS meets in St Joseph’s Church Hall, Babworth Road, Retford every Monday night at 7.30pm, between September and April. Full details will appear on their website once the year’s programme is finalised. Visit

Image © David Keep