Members of the Bassetlaw branch of Parkinson’s UK would like to wish all readers a happy and healthy New Year.
Branch activities for 2020 are very exciting with meetings, speakers, outings, computer classes and lunch club events already planned. The February meeting will welcome Jo Pritchard (Retford Physiotherapy and Pilates Clinic) and Elizabeth Proctor (Personal Health Budget/Complex Case Manager).
Meetings are held on the first Tuesday of every month at 2.00pm at Worksop Cricket Club, Central Avenue, Worksop S80 1EN and a warm welcome awaits. They firmly believe that no-one should feel alone with Parkinson’s disease. The hand of friendship and support is always open, when hopefully members can show that there is life to enjoy despite some of the difficulties of the condition. For more information about the branch and its many activities, call Chris Coldwell on 01909 730629.