Riverside Indoor Bowls Club

by | 20 February 2020 | Hobbies, Local Charity, Sports Club

Riverside Indoor Bowls (RIBs) are very pleased to have received the Lincolnshire Coop Community Award of £412.65, which is a very welcome addition to their fundraising to return indoor bowls to the district. The Lincs Coop have traditionally supported local causes, including indoor bowls in this county. Indoor bowls is a very popular sport for all ages. The club would like to thank Lincs Coop for taking an interest in RIBs, as well as many other community organisations, and helping us all to make a difference to local people. Without the support from organisations like the Coop, the community would suffer. If you would like your organisation to become a Community Champion, please contact your local Coop for details. The club can fully recommend it. They would especially like to thank Ursula Lidbetter OBE who has done a tremendous amount of good in the area as she always likes to get involved and does genuinely care.

The club are looking to the future, with RIBs’ trustees working tirelessly behind the scenes making many different contacts. They welcome old and new members from their original membership, with a one-off payment of £5.00 which shows an interest in a new sporting venue that the club are now making future plans for and contacting the right organisations and authorities about. They have the support of West Lindsey District Council and the Town Council. They believe, once built, this enterprise will attract many new sports and ideas as well as help regenerate the town of Gainsborough. However, they need support now to achieve their ambition. Please help them get there and play your part in creating a multi sports venue which will not only support indoor bowlers, but also give fitness opportunities to other members of the public. New ideas from members of the public and for raising funds are always welcome. Please call Lynda Enever on 01427 614627 or Linda Grocock on 01427 61468. Public participation will make a real difference in the timescale for getting their new venue.

RIBs’ trustees wish to thank every member of the public, their present members and all the local businesses that have made the club’s last 16 months so successful by supporting their fundraising. It has made a real difference to their progress.