Retford Men’s Probus Club

by | 21 December 2020 | Probus, Social Group

In line with many other local clubs and societies, and following Government guidelines, Retford Men’s Probus Club stopped holding their meetings in March this year. Lockdown one was introduced and despite being unable to meet, the club committee made a point of contacting members with news, views and updates. As no meetings were taking place, and with guest speakers booked through until March 2021, after great deliberation the committee decided to cancel them all and hopefully re-book when things return to normal.

Since the introduction of lockdown two, suggestions were put forward to contact members via Zoom / Teams facilities. After discussion and much soul searching it was decided this idea may not be suitable as most members prefer face-to-face contact, the foundations the club was built on and thrived on over many many years. The situation will be kept under review and the group will be updated as and when effective changes take place.

On a more somber note, during lockdown one, the club lost a few of its long standing and well respected members through illness and age related causes. They will be sadly missed. When things return to normal, and one day they will, if you would like to come along to one of the club’s meetings, please see Contact Retford Men’s Probus Club, by email to or call the secretary on 07542 852037.