Ollerton WI

by | 3 August 2023 | Sherwood, Social Group, WI

Members at Ollerton WI have recently enjoyed their summer outing in July to the Walks of Life Museum in Tuxford, featuring the UK’s largest collection of handcarts. After the tour the ladies were supplied with tea and homemade cakes in one of the barns.

With trips both educational and fun, the WI also has lots of fun with its darts team, walks, walking netball, quizzes, little outings, pantos and much more – all in addition to the famous cake stalls and the recent Chocolate Tombola held at St Paulinus Church.

If you think you would like to join or just come along, the first visit is free. The group meets at the Jubilee Hall, Wellow Road, Ollerton on the first Thursday of each month, 7.15pm to 9.45pm.

Visitors and new members always welcome. For more information phone Sue on 07982 429176 or the town hall on 01623 860811.