Edwinstowe Historical Society

by | 13 August 2024 | Heritage, Sherwood

Shirley Moore, Chairperson for the Edwinstowe Historical Society, apologised for the fact that John Baird was unable to present his talk ‘Follow the Moon and Stars’. However, committee members were able to provide two illustrated talks, the first about Worksop Manor House, and the second about Edwinstowe Hall. Members were also able to view a display indicating Edwinstowe’s literary heritage.

The Historical Society had provided information to enable the local school children to join in the commemoration of the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings, which was the largest seaborne invasion in history.

Memories were also evoked of the time when Field Marshall Lord Montgomery paid an underground visit to Thoresby Colliery in 1947, later speaking to the miners and their wives in the Thoresby Colliery Institute. Afterwards, he met and spoke to village school children.

Shirley referred to the list of vicars compiled by the Society and placed in St Mary’s Church to assist visitors. Also provided for the church stewards was information relating to the church and churchyard.
There are no meetings during July and August, and the new programme of talks commences on 18th September when the speaker will be Adam Nightingale with his talk ‘English Civil War’.

Meetings are held in the Church Rooms, Mansfield Road, Edwinstowe NG21 9NJ on the third Wednesday of the month, starting at 2.00pm and lasting for approximately two hours. Tea, coffee and biscuits are available.

The annual subscription is £15.00, and visitors are welcome at a charge of £3.00. For more information visit www.edwinstowehistory.org.uk or contact EdwinstoweHistorySoc@gmail.com.