Dukeries u3a

by | 13 May 2024 | Education and Learning, Hobbies, Sherwood, Social Group, U3A

April was yet another busy month for the Dukeries u3a.

The book Inspirations, written, produced and printed by the Creative Writing Group, continued to enjoy good sales. At the members’ meeting Roger Browne gave an entertaining talk and played the music of George and Ira Gershwin.

A full coach took members on a trip to Bletchley Park, home of the WWII Code Breakers. Members enjoyed a guided tour, visited huts, museums and gardens. A most memorable day out for all.

The History group reconvened after a short break and, as usual, the Photography, Whatsapp Walkers, and Ramblers were all out and about enjoying their various activities.

The events team have been busy, and are considering a trip to Southwell Minster, a trip to York, and a wine tasting event. Another idea being considered is an evening of music from the 1950s-60s.
Group of the Month: Rummikubs

The group has enjoyed this indoor activity in the warmth and with good company through the winter months. Rummikubs is a very easy game to pick up with help from the members of this well-supported group. Ollerton House is the venue and some members take the opportunity to have lunch there first. Should you care to join them you would be most welcome.

Originally this group played a variety of indoor games, like Dominoes, Backgammon, Cribbage etc. until everyone preferred Rummikubs.

This idea could be investigated again if anyone is interested.
They meet on the second and fourth Wednesday of the month at Ollerton House Hotel, 2.00pm to 4.00pm.

Dukeries u3a will be holding a members-only AGM on Monday 20th May at 12.30pm to 3.00pm. Members will have the opportunity to vote for the Committee, or indeed stand for election into one of the various roles themselves.

Perhaps you would like to make new friends and socialise or learn something new. There are a lot of good things happening at Dukeries u3a, which is open to all adults irrespective of employment status.

Annual membership costs £20.00 up to 31 March 2025 and includes access to all activities and interest groups. To find out more go along to their meetings, on the third Monday of each month, 12.30pm to 3.00pm, for £1.00 to cover refreshments.

For further information on any group, event or membership visit www.u3a sites.org.uk/dukeries/home or call 07756 436177.