Climate Change: climate-friendly ideas to save money in the current economic crisis

by | 23 September 2022 | Environment, Sherwood

The cost of living has risen so much that it is important that we all look at our expenditure. Because of the Ukraine situation, heatwaves, wildfire, and floods, prices are rising in not only luxury items but in everyday necessities. The cost of petrol, energy, food, even clothing and household items which must be transported have increased to the point of causing hardship in most households.

I know that we have covered most of this in previous articles, but it is time – now more than ever – to explore what can be done to reduce outgoings. Technology has moved on, and what was once too expensive to consider is now in the current economic climate more affordable, cost effective and worth considering.


Prices are rising because of damaged or poor crops due to climate change, also with rising import and transportation costs.

  • Best by dates: In days gone by everyone used the sense of touch and smell to tell if food was okay to eat. Food which is perfectly good to eat for days is wasted because it is on or past its sell by date. Why not rely on your own judgement?
  • Grow your own: Make part of your garden over to growing your own fruit and vegetables, or get an allotment. The food is fresher and lasts longer.


Everyone is feeling the impact of rising energy costs. According to reports they are due to increase again in the autumn. Because of these rising costs, renewable sources which were perhaps too expensive in the past now become more cost effective. The main way to save money is to use less but changing to renewables is the next level.

  • Solar panels: Solar panels are more reliable and could now be cost effective plus the suppliers have much more experience in installation.
  • Infrared heating: Infrared heating panels provide space heating through infrared radiation. Infrared heating panels work on electricity but are more economic to run.
  • Renewable heating: The government is now offering a Domestic Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI). If you qualify you will be able to claim for biomass boilers, solar water heating and certain heat pumps.


The cost of petrol has increased sharply.

  • School transport: If walking to school is not an option why not get together with neighbours and friends and create a school run rota? Another option used extensively on the continent and which is gaining momentum in the UK is the School Bicycle Bus.
  • Electric cars: These are now more cost effective; technology has improved so that the distance covered has increased and there are now many more charging points.
  • Car share: If you are going shopping, why not offer to take neighbours and friends? Going to work? Look to car share with people who live near you.

Repair and recycle

You can find experts to repair most household items and it is often cheaper than buying a replacement. If you need something new to wear for an event why not re-model one of last year’s fashion items to create a new look instead of buying an expensive outfit?


If you do decide to go abroad, the most climate friendly options are going by train or ferry instead of flying. Why not opt for a ‘staycation’ and explore the United Kingdom instead, perhaps go camping or caravanning?

Remember – these money-saving ideas will all help to minimise or mitigate the effect of climate change.

For more information about Sherwood Forest Friends of the Earth, visit Sherwood Forest FoE on Facebook or email

Pauline Meechan
Sherwood Forest Friends of the Earth