Talking of this and that…

by | 17 October 2018 | Education and Learning, Rotherham, U3A

If you’re reading this column for the first time, welcome. Each month it has snippets of information about one or more of the 34 U3A groups in and around Rotherham. You have opinions and enjoy sharing them? Try the ‘Lifestyle’ group. Come along to talk and to listen to others’ views in lively, funny, or serious discussions on topics of the day. Contact Paul Whittaker on 01709 210765 for more details.

Is your garden suffering from ‘heat fatigue’? October’s ‘Gardening’ group meeting has helpful suggestions, plus ideas for colourful displays of spring bulbs, a plant-swap session and ‘Gardeners’ Question Time’. Solve your gardening dilemmas, visit beautiful gardens and make new friends with U3A gardeners. For more information contact Martin Ford on 01709 324672.

Finally, anyone for ‘Tai Chi’? Initially a martial art, it’s an excellent activity for older people, helping to reduce stress, blood pressure and joint pain, improve flexibility and balance and increase wellbeing. If gentle exercise is what you need and you’re interested in being in from the start of a new ‘Tai Chi’ group. For details contact Roy Roddison on 01709 700314.

The U3A is for anyone aged 50 plus and no longer in full-time work. If this isn’t you, remember it for later, then pass it to an older relative, friend or neighbour. £30.00 per year gives access to as many groups as you like, subject to available places. Where else could you find opportunities to meet, talk, learn and laugh with people of a similar age, for less than 1p per day?

For details of all U3A activities go to or call Sylvia Duncan on 01709 374841.