Life at St Barts continues to be busy!

by | 14 August 2018 | Community Event, Rotherham

On 18th August St Bartholomew’s Church, Maltby, will be organising the refreshments at the Maltby Town Council Horticultural Show, so join them for a refreshing cup of tea and a delicious cake. The church’s Patronal Festival is in August. St Barts will be open between 2.00pm and 4.00pm on 25th and 26th August, with registers available and an exhibition of photos of the church from years gone by as well as tea and coffee available. A special service will be held at 10.45am on Sunday 26th August. All are welcome.

Looking further ahead, the church will be joining with the British Legion in a Remembrance Weekend at St Barts on 3rd and 4th November. The church will be decorated and an exhibition held of World War memorabilia. If you have anything of interest which could be displayed, please bring it down to church beforehand.

The ‘Coffee and Chat’ sessions on Tuesday mornings are well attended and enjoyable. If you want someone to talk and laugh with, please visit them between 10.00am and 12.00pm, every Tuesday morning in the Church Rooms, Church Lane.

Remember — if you want to book a wedding or a baptism, vestry hour is on Monday evenings between 6.00pm and 7.00pm.